Im Getting Ready for a War Again

The occurrence of war can be traced back centuries ago. Seemingly, conflicts have been in and out and endlessly existing, which then causes a war to behold. There are a lot of reasons as to which a war could exist or happen. However, is this something that we would want to happen? If otherwise, how prepared are we if ever a war does happen again?

It has been circling the globe and alarming the population that World War III is likely to happen. Indeed, it is not something that we would want to hear or come across on. We open the T.V. and watch heartbreaking news every day. However, knowing that the possibility of World War III is bound to happen is something that we wish never to hear or see in the news.

When will this war Happen?

No one could predict or estimate the exact date of the occurrence of such a war. However, the possibility of it happening is significantly high. It is so high that it is creating fears globally.

If you can notice what is happening globally, almost all neighboring countries share their conflict. That alone says so little of what still lurks around the corner. A few of the most powerful countries that have nuclear powers are also in the heat and with arising conflicts. These countries can destroy so much land and end the lives of the majority of the population with just a single missile launch.

Nonetheless, there are all sorts of news regarding World War III. Also, the media can be a little bit biased sometimes and tweak the stories around. In short, sometimes it can be hard to trust the news and know whether what to believe. But, if you keep on letting yourself be informed, there is no way that you will not come out prepared. The more you know, the more you become ready both mentally and physically.

Who are or will be involved in this war?

The possibility of World War III happening is something that the global population is involved in. Mostly all of us are included in this equation of conflicts. The heat of the problem revolves around the most powerful countries in the world.

Specifically, North Korea and the USA are in serious conflicts and are beginning to exchange nuclear threats. North Korea was reported to have threatened the U.S., particularly Donald Trump, to give up and wave the flag. In addition, Kim Jong-Un wants Trump to submit to his demand about implementing a policy beneficial to North Korea, it seems. Furthermore, Kim Jong-Un followed up by threatening Trump with some "unexpected gifts" to come to the U.S. These "unexpected gifts" are presumed to be nuclear missile tests to shake the fear out of the U.S. President.

Despite China and Russia, former allies of North Korea, advising Kim Jong-Un to calm down. Still, Kim Jong-Un is determined on his quests for nukes. So much involves the conflict between North Korea and the U.S. It could also be a long discussion if we try to understand the root of its conflict. Furthermore, other countries also have their misunderstandings aside from North Korea and the USA's ongoing conflict. Well, in this case, I guess misunderstanding is already an understatement.

The bottom line is, if you have been actively listening or reading the news, you will come to realize that wars have already been happening. Most importantly, you will understand that there is a higher chance of a larger, global war taking place. Hence, there is important to keep yourselves updated with the news to know what is going on and be solely aware and… ready.

Imagine this!

Let us paint a picture and create an exact scenario as to what we think might happen. Let us take a trip down memory lane and remember what came about during Pearl Harbor. It was the Japanese taking us by surprise during the year 1941.

What if this time will be like the Second Pearl Harbor? Just imagine waking up to what you expect to be a fine morning. Then, only to find out that there are already military aircraft roaming around the sky. One missile swooshing after the other creating those deafening explosions. What could be worse is those death-causing explosions rain over to where you are or the locals near you.

Now, if the world war continues to occur even though far away from you, how would you prepare yourself for the aftermath of it? Let us say the war has ended. All that is left is an economic downfall, shortages in the resources of basic man's necessities (e.g., food, water, electricity), and damaged buildings and infrastructures. What would you now do?

What Takes Place During and After the War?

The things that happen during and after the war are not all about exchanging explosives or bullets. The war before is not the same as the war now. Unlike before, a battalion of soldiers of the opposite parties comes face to face in a particular place. Then, they just run with anger and determination, meet in the middle and kill their enemies. Whoever waves their flag first or surrenders to the other party loses. On the contrary,  It is far more beyond that.

In our generation now, careful strategic planning and an element of surprise take place. Now, killing your enemies can be done even thousands of miles apart. Due to the newly discovered technology such as a missile. It has now become more advanced that the technicalities in starting a war are far more complex. They need to have a well-thought-out plan to take a step forward ahead of the game. More so, there is now the government, the society, and the state rules that make everything non-spontaneous.

A government thinks about its people and its whole being. This includes the economy, the political state, and society in general.


The number one predicted to most likely happen during a war is Martial Law. What is Martial Law, you may ask?

Martial Law, in simple terms, is the intervention of a government to have power over everything. It requires the people to abide by the newly implemented and strict rules made by the government. For example, you are to be locked down in your houses and not go out unless told otherwise. Furthermore, you are not allowed to stay outside of your house past the set curfew time. Usually, the curfew time is earlier than the normal curfew before.

In addition, a control in transportation services is also made by the government. In general, everything will be controlled by the government. This is duly to conserve remaining sources, prevent additional damages caused by the war and monitor ongoing activities. Strict monitoring will mostly happen. It is the government's way of ensuring that everything will not go overboard or the situation will not worsen due to the war.

How Should you Prepare for the Upcoming War?

We could try to ignore the fact and shrug it off our shoulders. But, it is somewhat vital for everyone to at least come prepared. Well, it is better to be prepared than to be caught off guard during the moment.

It is hard to imagine and accept the fact that a war might happen soon. It is a terrifying thought to imagine. More so, to have yourself and the whole family prepare for such an event. Regardless of the horrific scenarios you might be thinking about now, it can be guaranteed that having a sense of preparation can save you in such an unwanted situation.

The growing threat of war faced by America, the U.K., and Israel is indeed growing. There is an urgent need to equip yourselves with the knowledge and skills as to the what's and how's during a war—even though if you live in non-threatened areas, still, knowing these skills and being prepared will pay off.

At this point, we all want to be a superhero to increase our chances of defeating the enemy. Of course, whatever it might be, even though the effects of war might affect us on a more economic, political, and global scale. The most important thing we need to look out for is our home, ourselves. So, what should a mere person like you do to ensure your safety and being during a war?

Keep the News on All Time!

The very first important thing is to be informed at all costs. Knowing the whereabouts and severity of the war is important because these will be your major guidelines for keeping safe and even alive.

If there is a resource of electricity, then it is best to take advantage of it responsibly. This is through utilizing electricity to turn on the T.V. and Radio and tuning on to the news that gives the most up-to-date updates.

Charge all Electric-dependent Gadgets or Equipment

As long as you have the availability of electricity, it is better to take advantage of it immediately. Keep your phones always charged to have the accessibility to call and communicate whenever needed. Also, charge emergency lights and other electrical-dependent equipment that can be helpful during times like these.

Along with this comes responsibility. It does not mean that you have the resource of electricity. You will abuse it. Use electricity responsibly. Most importantly, use your gadgets and electrical equipment wisely and responsibly. Use them only if the situation calls or if it is urgent and important.

Make sure to have Sufficient Food and Water Resources.

One of the most important things to have in your household is food and water. This is important because this will keep you, basically alive, as you quarantine yourselves inside your houses. If a Martial Law may occur, you are already prepared in terms of food and water resources.

During this time, it will be recommended to consider making freezer meals. This will give you an ample amount of food consumable for a month.

On the other hand, you need to have water available in your household too. To do so, you can stock water in volumes and provide yourself with a water filtration system. Through this, you need not worry about contaminated water that you get from rainfall or the nearest river near you.

Prepare all Other Resources and Supplies Available

Other than the necessities, it also to prepare an emergency kit. This emergency kit will contain other important supplies that you need during this time. Such supplies include a flashlight, sets of batteries, and a first aid kit.

Other important necessities to have on hand are an N95 dust mask, gas mask, and Potassium Iodate tablet. These three are also important to avoid any health damages caused by nuclear gases and other dust carried off by the war. The masks can help prevent the inhalation of chemicals or dust caused by explosions and nuclear poisoning. The Potassium Iodate tablet is a medicine that can help you block off radioactive iodine caused by radiation. Such radiation can come from nuclear attacks.

Have Sufficient Supply of Fuel

It is important to have the availability of as many important resources as you can. Especially if you have a car, having gallons of fuel can be handy. Most importantly, in nuclear bomb attacks, you can easily do so if there is a chance to travel to a safe zone.

Furthermore, fuels can also be used, not only for cars but for generators as well. There is a high probability that the source of electricity may be taken down. So, it would be a big advantage to have fuel available to fill up your generators, if applicable. This is to ensure that you have the source of electricity, which is vital in these cases.

Keep your House Locked Safely

In times like this, the chances of having intruders are high. It is already a matter of survival during a war. Furthermore, this is to avoid anonymous people from entering your home. The sole purpose of this is to provide additional safety despite the War happening. As they say, you can never feel as safe unless you are at home.

God forbid that World War III will happen. No one wants that. However, if it does, always remember to stay focused, keep informed and be alert at all times.


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